Breed Info

Bailey (AKC dad) and Bristal (AKC mom) have received their OFA results and can be reviewed on the OFA website by their names or registration numbers which are listed on the parents page.

It’s important to know that grooming is needed for the Shihtzu, Havanese and Daisy Dogs as their coats can matte and cause rashes and discomfort.

For anyone in the surrounding area needing a groomer check out Peace, Love and Paws here Sheryl is Excellent and does all our grooming!!

Havanese: The long, soft, and silky coat of the Havanese needs to be groomed daily to be kept free of matts and tangles. This can be done by gently running a comb or soft brush over the dog while he is on your lap. Pet owners often choose to have their dog’s coat clipped to a short trim to reduce grooming time. The Havanese should also be bathed occasionally as needed. The corners of the eyes should be gently cleaned daily to prevent tear-stain of the lighter-colored hair in the area. Check the ears often to remove excess wax or accumulated debris, and wipe out the inside of the ear-flap with a slightly moistened gauze or paper towel. They are intelligent, outgoing and fun loving companions. They are cheerful little dogs with a need to please and be on a lap. They are extremely social if trained Properly as naturally they take longer to warm up to new people than other breeds. They are very good at outdoor activities but love just lazing around the house with their people as well.

Please be aware the Havanese REQUIRE lots of attention — If they don’t get the attention they need they can become clingy, hyperactive and even revert to a non-potty trained state. These are by NO means independent dogs unless fully trained from a puppy that way. By this I mean if you are with them you cannot ignore or neglect them as they will lash out unlike independent dogs unless otherwise trained. They are most at peace when being loved, talked to or just being next to you (touching you of course).

Daisy Dogs: The coats on these pups can vary — for a coat that comes out like dad follow the havanese grooming. For a coat more like mom (a Bichon coat) they should be brushed at least two or three times a week, but every day is best to keep mattes away (unless you keep them groomed short). They need a bath and a clipping at least once a month if done at home or every four to six weeks if taken to a groomer. As with all breeds, the nails should be trimmed regularly as well. They are a wonderful mix of lap and independent. They can be extremely loving, cuddling and sweet but can also entertain themselves and have a less dramatic response when you come home from being away. They are 3/4 Havanese and 1/4 Bichon/ShihTzu. They learn very quickly and love being given a task to complete for their Alphas (i.e. watch me, heal, stay, obstacle courses, etc.).

Angels’ Eyes can be purchased to also help with tear stained eyes. You can also rub their eyes twice a day with purified or clean tap water to help with tear staining.

They are all hypoallergenic. This means that their hair loss is like humans, you may find a strand here or there or a few fuzzies after a good grooming but there is no undercoat.

This is the best site for info on the havanese. It will have a wide range of information there from grooming to health.

Barking: **Please remember that dogs bark — its natural. The goal with training is to minimize barking not get rid of it altogether** This is a correctable behavior by clear, concise commands and consistent repetition. They are normally barking to let you know something is near but if not kept in check it can turn into barking just to bark (testing their boundaries as a child does). We do our best to have the pups in a positive environment with consistent boundaries and corrections when needed however we are not responsible for their behavior once they go home. Behaviors can change based on their Alphas — please keep this in mind when training.

By requesting to be on the waitlist for an AKC Havanese you are agreeing to being able to provide the pup with the necessary attention and interaction to keep them happy, healthy and safe. We will NOT re-home a Havanese to a place where the dog will be largely on their own for extended periods of time (IE you are only home a minimal amount and the dog stays home or you are gone every weekend and the dog stays home). They are not an independent breed and it requires lots of effort, consistency and professional training to get them to a place where it would be okay to leave them on their own as independent (IE self feeding, self pottying when you are gone, self entertainment etc).

If you are looking for a more independent breed the Daisy Dog would be the best fit that we offer; however they do still need consistency and training if you plan on them being mainly independent.